Sunday, May 13, 2007

The American Invasion of Iraq

The people of Iraq chose Saddam Hussein as their President. The people of The United States un-chose him. How will the people of Iraq un-choose George Bush? Un-choosing George Bush for any position of public (or private) trust must be the paramount responsibility of the people of The United States. It is no secret that the people who promoted the invasion of Iraq, those who lied and continue to lie to Congress and the people of America, are making hundreds of millions on their felony war. Nor is it any secret that they do not intend to allow the gravy train to stop. What will awaken the American people to the crime against humanity and every civilized norm of decent behavior waged in their name and at their unimaginable expense?

No question can be more important for intelligent people around the world to consider. It is May of 2007.